4 March
Form and function
Morality- the Nazi Wife- Look at this on Thursday
Is Formalism the limit of the law
Idea law defined by law
Does not include the customs
Does not include the purpose
Doesn’t take into account how it is enforced
If have the formal structure, and if no one follows it
Eternal system
Only works in certain societies but it doesn’t fit all societies
Most of disputes are not resolved in the courts in NZ
The disputes tribunal
Its not really a conception of law, needs to be global
Hart in attempting to define a concept
He described a Western legal system of rules and he gave that the status of law. It is a Eurocentric idea.
The rule on the ground may not match the statue. Different villages
In many societies customs are just as important as the law, custom of the village, so Harts system would say they are not losing law they are using custom
Harts definition ignores a group of rules
No official law that states that English is the language of New Zealand
In practice English is the main language, laws are written in English etc.
Little mentioned in statue
Convention, tradition, custom and practice.
None of it is law.
Hart might be irrelevant
Alternative view- Harts definition focuses on form, it is too narrow,
Hart-formality and rules
Functionalists- reality
Realists- how the law plays out in practice
Argue about how things work
How do you know what makes it law
Functionalists- the nature of law is about society, sociological approach not a formal approach
“All law is public law”
We own our legal system
The reason that private law like contract law works is because the people accept them. Society’s law.
For the law to exist requires a society to exist first.
If you don’t have a society, you can’t have law.
Law is about society
Societies need to have law to exist. Law requires society
Argument- society needs law to bind people together as a group. Neil Dirkan point
Societies need to have ways to fix disputes.
Without mechanisms= no society
Famous realist- Karl Llewellyn’s
Law is about what happens on the ground
He focused on other places (avoid Eurocentic)
The Shayan people.
The Shayan way,
Karl Llewellyn’s conceptual view of law
The Law Jobs
Resolving the Trouble case (methods of resolving disputes)
Channelling Expectations (framework to reduce number of disputes like ACC) Contract Law- is the rules
Direction- society to move in a direction
Allocation of Authority-
It doesn’t matter how you do these things
Violence- duelling (was accepted at the time), trial (decide winner, use to be duels but not it is organised in arguments) witch trials, singing...