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#16996 - Citing Lecture 4 22nd February Citations Laws 110 - Legal Foundations (LAWS110)

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Laws 110

22nd February

Lecture 4




Author Title (ed, Publisher, Place of Publication, Year.)

e.g. Andrew Butler and Petra Butler (follow what the book says if it just has initial use it, include word ‘and’) The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act: A Commentary (2nd ed, LexisNexis, Wellington, 2015).

Remember to place the full stop correctly

What happens when you have multiple authors?

First name last name, alphabetically by sir name

# of authors

  1. Theresa Buller

  2. “” and Kim Hall

  3. “” “”, Kim Hall and John Smith

  4. Theresa Buller and others.

Chapter in a book

Credit the book itself and the Chapter in a Book. Quote marks to differentiate as a chapter

Jessica Palmer “Constructive Trusts” in Andrew Butler (ed) Equity and Trusts in New Zealand (2nd ed, Thomas Reuters, Wellington, 2009) 335.

(ed)- show the editor of the book

Title in italics

Space after every comma

Full stop at the end

Place of publication- city

Need to credit the author, tell the marker how they are going to find the chapter

Journal Article

Leonard Rotman “’My Hovercraft is Full of Eels’: Smoking Out the Message in R v Marshall” (2009) 63. Sask L Rev 617.

Usually party names in italics

Starting page name do not need to include the end number

“at 63.”- page. Number

If each paragraph is numbered use the paragraph number

1Cullen v R [2014] 3 NZLR 471 (CA) at [26]


Cannot go over the word count

The citations are included in the word count, can have a later footnote, to save words for the word count

Cite as you go

First footnote: in Full

Second footnote at 162 Morris, above n1, at 52.

Third footnote Act etc.

Footnotes need to be at the bottom of the page

Need to include a list of sources in the bibliography- everything...

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Legal Foundations (LAWS110)