Treaty of Waitangi
How is it relevant?
Sasha Mcmeeking
How is the Treaty of Waitangi relevant to contemporary legal issues?
Next lectures
Understanding the Treaty: self-determination and land
The evolving Treaty- key legal decisions
Where could the Treaty be heading: Settlements and constitutional options- constitutional frontiers we could be heading into
Do you think the treaty of Waitangi is relevant to what you might do as a lawyer?
Founding document- increasingly organisations are trying to get effect to the treaty of Waitangi
Commercial Law
Relates to setting up companies, transactions between companies, due diligence on behalf of a client, make sure the client is not on the wrong side of inland revenue department
Is for the big law firms, main way they make money
There are a huge number of lawyers involved in commercial law
Set up companies
Negotiate and structure commercial deals
Ensure compliance with tax, reporting etc,
How is the Treaty relevant?
40 billion economy. 50 billion economy- Maori
Special types of entities
Special types of rules
Special types of deals
On behalf of land disputes Treaty is relevant
Through the treaty settlement progress- there are distinct Maori entities that have specific rules that apply to them
Deal with Maori organisation, they have particular rules. Some maori organisations have a different tax rate, tax rates can get mixed up. Some Maori entities have particular decision making progresses that are required. Need to understand the processes
2 degrees- Maori shareholder involved
Prominent business operators- some relationship with iwi or Maori organisation
Fonterra- supply agreements milk from Maori land
2 degrees- opportunities for Maori to buy in
Maori economy- everyday business practice
Rules that govern the relationships
Chance involvement with Maori
Good lawyering- need to understand drivers of Maori business
Not just a commercial return, Maori businesses sometimes want a social return, cultural visibility
Structure deal- need to understand drivers
Find ways in commercial relationships to give effect to them
Like carbon farming… commercial value, carbon credits
Five Iwi- relationship agreement
No commercial legal skills
Genealogical relationships to each other
Wanted it all written in Te Reo Maori
There are different skills for Iwi and Maori organisations, nature of relationship before mechanics
Needed to use particular type of legal entity, different layers of governance, relevant to NZ law, how to advise non-Maori clients how to work with Maori, or to serve Maori- must understand Treaty of Waitangi
Land Law
What is it?
Ownership of and rights to land
Sale and purchase of land
How is the Treaty relevant?
5% of New Zealand’s land is under separate Maori Land Law System, separate piece of legislation, amended 400 times since 1860s and separate court system for this 5% of land. Why? 5% of land has never left Maori ownership- ancestral claim, 95% of land was taken= complexities of how this ownership system works. 1000s of people own the land, descendants.
Special rules for all aspects of ownership of and rights to land
Inability to make decisions
Put homes on lands, being able to get everyone to make a decision is hard, lots of the owners listed are no longer alive, succession rules, how do you inherit Maori land? All of these things are increasingly relevant in land law and commercial law. Lots of entities might need to access Maori law to do a particular thing.
Resource Management Law
What is it?
Who can use/access natural resources and under what conditions (land, water etc)
Governs permission processes
How is the Treaty relevant?
Special provisions for Maori participation in decision making have to engage with local Maori on what they are doing with the land. Need understanding to give good advice with developments.
Advocacy on behalf of environment, might want to partner with Maori. Need to understand the processes. The values and aspirations to advise your client well.
Lots of lawyers make their entire career in this area.
Old pa sites, home for cows
Recognise no formal legal rights but there is a relationship, of the connection with buried ancestors
Creates mechanisms for those who don’t have legal ownership
Society recognises for having some type of meaning
Cultural associations
Intellectual Property Law
The theory if an individual or group of people invest resources in something new they should be rewarded for doing that
What is it?
Rules around ‘products of the mind’: copyright, trademarks, patents etc
No one can take new thing you created without your permission or payment
How is the Treaty relevant?
Maori things e.g. Haka, rock, art
Gaps in law
Special processes
There are problems because it is culturally significant, cultural inheritance, it fails to meet the originality requirements, won’t get International property protection
Tammaiti- Maori activist, promote security system on US billboard
Maori tears beer
Advisory process- is that offensive
Understand how those processes work
How do we change our law in this space so that it is more useful
Kamate Haka- is one that tells the story of the Ngati Toa exploits
Meaning of haka for the iwi.
Ngati Toa- recognition of Kamate haka contributed...